
Urology service in private clinic

For better genitourinary health

The urologist is the specialist doctor who is interested in disorders related to the genitourinary organs and pathways, both in men and in women: bladder, kidneys, urethra, prostate, testes, etc. From diagnosis to treatment of conditions, its role ranges from clinical examination to performing tests and surgeries.  


At Lacroix Medical Clinics, we are fortunate to have 3 experienced urologists within our team: Dr Jean-François Audet, Dr Jonathan Cloutier, Dr Rabi Tiguert, Dre Mélodie Djuimo and Dre Diane Dufrêne. To find out more about their professional career, we invite you to read their short resume in the medical team section of our website.

Urologue privé

Urological examination now available in Quebec: cystoscopy, prostate biopsy, uroflowmetry, bladder scan and urodynamic study (USD).

When and why to consult in urology?


In most cases, the client will be referred to urology by his family doctor. However, this medical reference is not necessary to obtain a consultation with one of the Lacroix network urologists. You can perfectly decide to skip the first line and consult directly in urology if you suffer, or think you have:



Urinary System

  • Bladder cancer
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Difficulty retaining urination
  • Urinary incontinence


  • Condyloma
  • Decreased libido
  • Decrease in male vitality
  • Difficulty retracting the foreskin
  • Curvature of an erect penis
  • Pain during erection to the brake or penis
  • Ejaculatory pain
  • Pain to the scotoma
  • Scrotal mass 
  • Voluminous scrotum
  • Bulky testicle (s)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Premature ejaculation



Urinary System

  • Bladder cancer
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Frequent or urgent urination
  • Urinary incontinence during a cough, sneezing or physical activity
  • Bladder pain without infection
  • Persistent urethral pain


  • Vaginal atrophy
  • Difficulty getting an orgasm
  • Vaginal pain during sexual activity
  • Lack of vaginal sensation

Our urologists can also take care of children genitourinary problems, including: 

  • Adhesion of the foreskin
  • Difficulty retracting the foreskin
  • Pain with foreskin retraction


To diagnose an abnormality of the urinary system or the genitalia, the urologist can suggest additional examinations.

Examinations and procedures available in urology at the Lacroix network



Circumcision is a very brief surgical procedure that aims to remove the foreskin. Offered by Dr Tiguert, this intervention can be performed for both adult men and babies (3 years and under). Several reasons can lead the man to get this type of intervention: it can be for medical reasons (eg Lack of flexibility at the foreskin level), for sexual reasons (eg Pain during erection) and finally, for reasons of a personal nature (eg aesthetic preference, religious beliefs).



A vasectomy is an intervention that men can get to prevent their partner from getting pregnant when they have sex. This minor surgery makes a man sterile. It is a very reliable method of contraception (99.9% successful) and a safe surgery. It does not affect a man’s ability to have sex, ejaculate, or reach orgasm. It does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, this procedure should be performed only at the request of the man, and only when a man wishes to be permanently sterile. The reversal procedure is laborious with a high failure rate.



This noninvasive diagnostic screening procedure measures the flow and volume of urine during urination. Concretely, uroflowmetry consists for the patient to urinate in a special device, which looks like a toilet. Often, uroflowmetry test is followed by a bladder scan to determine how much urine is left inside the bladder after urination.

Bladder scan


The bladder scan is a noninvasive technique that calculates the bladder volume. This ultrasound technique works with ultrasound, which is reflected on the walls of the bladder to help visualize its interior. The urologist prescribes a bladder scan to assess urinary retention and possibly identify a post-voiding residue (presence of urine in the bladder after urination). The bladder scan itself takes only a couple of minutes to complete.

Urodynamic study


The urodynamic study (USD) aims to assess the bladder functions and its sphincter. This urological examination is composed of several tests, which allow the recording of urine volumes, pressures and flows. The urologist prescribes a urodynamic study when he needs to identify and understand a problem in a person’s urinary cycle (bladder filling, urination). It is according to the results obtained following the urodynamic study that the doctor will be able to determine the best possible treatment.

Prostate biopsy


Urologists in the Lacroix network can perform a prostate biopsy, which involves removing small fragments of prostate tissue. The sample is then sent to the laboratory to be analysed to determine whether or not there are cancer cells present. The prostate biopsy is prescribed by the urologist when an abnormality is detected following a prostate exam.



A cystoscopy is an examination that allows a doctor specializing in urology to observe a patient’s bladder. To do this, the urologist uses a cystoscope, which is a type of endoscope with a small camera at one end. This test allows the doctor to detect abnormalities and make a diagnosis, which could be, for example, an infection or bleeding in the bladder. People with the following symptoms may need a cystoscopy: urinary incontinence, blood in the urine (hematuria) microscopic or gross (visible in the urine), painful urination, recurrent urinary tract infections, enlarged prostate, stones kidneys, bladder cancer, and more. Get informed!

Book a urology appointment