Mobile Medical Team

You’re an event organizer?

have you thought about the medical safety aspect?

Large-scale events often mobilize an impressive number of participants. Crowd control then becomes difficult, sometimes even chaotic. What would happen if one of the participants felt unwell or required the immediate attention of a health specialist? As an organizer, would you be able to ensure rapid access to a doctor?

Demonstrate the professionalism of your organization by ensuring the medical security of your event

Ensure the medical security of your events with our mobile medical team

Proud of its experience with Madonna’s show on the Plains of Abraham in 2012, the mobile medical team of the Lacroix Private Clinics network offers its services for events of all kinds:

  • Major shows
  • Political assemblies
  • Sporting events (marathons, etc.)

Parlez-nous de votre projet, nous vous aiderons à faire en sorte qu’il se déroule de façon sécuritaire pour toutes les personnes impliquées.

Contact our mobile medical team!