Centralization of Our Services


In order to minimize the risk of spreading the virus, we have decided to centralize our teams and our services into one clinic per region. Fewer service points mean fewer areas of contamination and possible contact.


Please be assured that this measure is temporary and only for preventive purposes. Our clinics in Lévis, Cap-Rouge, Lac-Beauport and Rosemont will welcome patients again as soon as the brunt of the pandemic has passed.

Safety Measures in our Clinics


The Cliniques Médicales Lacroix are doing everything they possibly can to ensure maximum safety for our customers and medical teams.


We apply the appropriate hygiene measures more than rigorously, which include, among other things, the complete disinfection of our clinics twice a day. In addition, we practice social distancing as recommended by the health authorities, take the temperature of our employees in the clinic twice a day as a preventive measure, and encourage all of our professionals to work remotely whenever possible.


Even if we’re keeping our clinics open, we prioritize and strongly encourage remote consultation, by video or by phone. From just $99, you can talk to any of the 42 doctors in our provincial network from the comfort and safety of your home.